Sunday, June 22, 2014
Inquiry Learning - Post #6
My personal definition of Inquiry Learning and what it would entail at my school is described above in the cloud that I created.
I plan on creating inquiry based mini-lessons using the topic of We Use What? - Effective Researching. The students at my school do not know how to properly research or cite a topic for projects, assignments, personal interest, etc. These are tools that they will use throughout the rest of the schooling or professional career. There are eight principles of inquiry based learning which include authenticity, deep understanding, performances of understanding, assessment, appropriate use of technology, connecting with experts, student success, ethical citizenship.
I created a brainstorm map using for my inquiry based mini-lessons.
Mini-Lesson Brainstorm (attached link)
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Revisiting Personal Learning Goals
1) Learn new technology tools to bring back to my library
3) Gain confidence in promoting new information technology
Friday, June 6, 2014
Letting Go
I enjoyed how Chris from the webinar 'Inquiry: The very first step in the process of learning' was saying that high school students are having to pass a high-stakes graduation test, which successful adults could not even pass. What are we teaching our students? We need to be teaching them how to be successful adults, how to use their knowledge to adapt to any situation they are in. Grant's blog 'Great teaching means letting go' gave a great example on this, about how soccer players could not think outside of the box when running a play because it was different than what they were used to. Schools are teaching for tests and not teaching students how to use their knowledge. We need to stray against this belief, but I do not see that happening anytime soon in the general ed classrooms.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Reflective Searching
Monday, May 26, 2014
Blog Lovin
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Blog Post #2 FRIT 7234
After reading the 3 blogs and watching the video, I have realized that I am behind in digitial fluency. Once I started reading them I couldn't put them down. I was highlighting resources they use from Google's late, Podcasts, Goodreads, and Slideshare. I have always thought that I am technology savvy so to say, but I like what Karen Lirenman said in her article, the journey from digitial literacy to digitial flluency, "It is more about transforming how I think about teaching and learning with technology and how it applies to my students." I was just talking the other day to some fellow teachers about how are we supposed to be a digital innovative library without technology? After reading Lirenman's blog, it spoke to is not about the lack of technology tools we have, it is about using the technology we do have to its full potential. The way our students learn is completely different than the way we were taught to learn. Information is at our fingers 24/7 and we as media specialists have to keep up with the times. Our goal is to teach our students how to retrieve and use that information while learning.
The InfoWhelm video's topic was something that all our schools should want to be able to achieve. We should want our students to take their learning into their own hands and not always have the correct answer. But it is not always going to work in the public schools, because we are pressured by standardized tests. I hope that our schools will branch out from this, but I do not forsee that happening soon.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Blog Post #1 - FRIT 7234
3) Gain confidence in promoting new information technology